An Unexpected Journey - Painting, Sculpture and Writing.
Throughout my artistic career I've have found myself learning many new things that I did not first think I'd end up be doing. Starting with painting, I progressed to sculpture, writing and many more. I'm very excited to announce a new phase of my artistic journey - I'll be publishing regular content to YouTube in an effort to find a place to document processes videos, my writing and other creative pursuits. I'll share a link to the channel welcome video below.
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, I've never found anything more untrue. As an artist new tricks is the name of the game at every turn. I'm excited to go on this new adventure and see what we can create. In the following weeks I'll be using YouTube to talk about existing work, the stories behind them, share my personal story of love and faith and talk about the book I'm writing. Thank you for your support and for reading. I'll see you in the next video and/or post. - God Bless TJF